
Friday, April 15, 2011

What's Really Done in the Dark: Plant Edition

Have you every forgot something; just pushed it out of your mind? Well, I did. A week ago was a prime time for planting squashes and cucumbers; I planted many different varieties. I brought my squash and butternut inside after planting them. I had college classes and didn't get home until after dark. About three days ago I found the plants had done a mysterious deed, you'll see.

These are the cucumbers and Nasturtiums planted and left outside, they began to emerge yesterday.

These are not bean stalks. They are squash, they had struggled to find light and grew a bit too tall. I had set the seedlings on a really dark shelf and they still grew. And Grew.

The butternuts were the same way. When I found these seedlings they were yellow, now the chlorophyll reacted with sunlight to create a beautiful shade of green.

The zucchini on the other hand, is just right and huge. Zucchini is wonderful in a stir-fry with sliced squash. Delish!

The peas are loving their trellis. The little tendrils are delicate, yet they hold the plant upright even on windy days like today.

Are they not cute as can be. Just wait for the flowers, they are cute too.

Have a great Friday!


  1. i need to plant my seeds today! we don't set anything in the ground until after mothers day in this zone...i am giving away a white flower farm gift certificate if you are interested. you have to solve a cute mystery in order to win. hope you stop by!

  2. Isn't it amazing how efficient nature is even when we forget or there aren't favorable conditions!


  3. love your pictures. I need to start my seeds!

    happy day!
