
Thursday, November 29, 2012

Make Your Own (Christmas) Gift Tags

I like visuals... do you like visuals. In school at the very beginning of school years many teachers would talk about one certain rule of what kind of learner the student is and how they benefit from their type: they said you're either a visual, auditory, or hands on. I was a mix of visual/hands on like most country girls. I wanted this post to be very visual, not just to learn something you probably already know, but it was my way of testing my new camera and Christmas things are always pretty!
Let the show begin ->

I wanted to make my own tags to match my brown kraft wrapping paper (like butcher paper.) Gold and brown work well, right? Hobby Lobby had a a sale on stamps and ink pads last week. Here is the link to a weekly renewed 40% off coupon for you to get your stamping on.

I'm using a stampabilities ink pad in "Gold" and a stamp that is also from the same company. Store ink pads upside down to brings ink to the service, don't worry it won't leak out. Test a new pad and/or stamp by stamping the inked stamp multiple times on a scrap paper until you know the pressure needed for a clean look. Trust me... practice!

With medium pressure use a clean stamp to begin your project. This is a blank "To: & From:" stamp. Use a color that will contrast the back ground, yet go with your gift packaging theme.
Gently apply pressure to the middle with your index finger. Do not... I repeat Do not rock the stamp or press the living daylights out of it, this will definitely cause a smeared look.

Lift upward without dragging. Allow to dry thoroughly before using or writing on. A blow drier on it's lowest setting can speed up the process: hold it at least six to eight inches away from the stamped object.

Regal & pretty. These will look great when I countrify these (will post soon.)

Extra touch: use letter stamps to fill in the recipients and your name.
This set also included these symbols: top Fleur-de-lis, middle at symbol used in e-mails, bottom l to r key and heart.
Merry Christmas from me to you!

Clean stamps after each project and before changing colors, this prevents color bleeding and gunking of small detailed areas of the stamps.

Pat firmly on paper towel until dry. Store stamps in a cool place away from heat sources to prevent melting.

Two cutting styles for tags. See (bottom) what I mean about practice and not rocking the stamp... a 'rustic' mistake :)
Also used this stamp; used it to add inspiration to my Christmas cards that did not already contain a bible verse. Luke 2:14, above. A great site for purchasing cards with great Christian foundation is Dayspring & they're fashionable!
An alternative to the cream paper and gold tags. This is creamy brown with "Cherry Red" ink.
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I Heart Nap Time


  1. I love this idea! Great for Christmas and gifts throughout the year!

  2. Visiting from Sundae Scoop, Cute Tags, I love the creamy brown paper with cherry red ink.
