
Saturday, March 26, 2011

When It Rains, It Pours Laziness

Since thunder and lightning rolled in about four this morning, I knew there was going to be no fun today. So I have been watching M*A*S*H* (my favorite old show) and taking updated pictures of what has been popping up inside. Here is a small sample of what has turned my house into a greenhouse. I hope these are enough to tide you over until I can find some more interesting stuff.
These are the green tomatoes planted earlier this month. They are approximately three inches tall, how they grow up so fast. The Missouri Pink Love Apples are doing as well also. I have set these outside on sunny days to slowly adjust them to the outside elements.

The crinkle leaves are called true leaves. They resemble miniature versions of the full grown leaves.

My fast growing Brussels Sprouts are doing fine also, nearly everyone has grown (a total of 43 plants, give or take one.).

Don't they look like they want a hug. Owww! How cute it is with its little dicot arms wide open and true leaf head.

I have not mentioned every type of seed I have planted, because they will be mentioned in upcoming posts. Can you guess what these new babies are?

How about now?

No? Well they are Basil seedlings. I was suprised by these little buggers. I had them covered in plastic wrap and the wrap was fogged. I began to notice the wrap was not as tighly wound as before and low-and-behold they had sprouted, and kept sprouting.
The seeds were very small and by the time I got to the right side of the flat I just sprinkled the seeds anywhere they fell. Some of the cells towards the right are overcrowded; but, hopefully they will not smother each other out before they can be transplanted.

Here is the bottom of our driveway, what a sloppy mess.

In the foreground you can see a pond of red water. It is not a pond, it is a hole dug at the lowest part of the valley that is over twenty-five feet deep in areas and even deeper in others. When it rains the water simple flows down the field into the hole, where it stops the water from flooding the driveway that goes beside it. Where my garden is situated (you can see a corner of it to the right of the right turn) is also level with the hole and gets flooded out during heavy rainfall. Last Summer part of my corn rows were bent, like candycanes, to the right and not as straight and pretty as I had planned. The water had flowed into the irigation ditch dug down the center of the garden and pulled alot of seeds in that direction, causing the cooky shped rows.

I hope those of you with gardens do not suffer as terribly from these bouts of Spring storms. Luckily the garden is only growing weeds and will be tilled soon. Happy Spring showers and good luck finding rainbows.

I have once again entered a post of mine into two blog hops. I am trying to be known and so far I have had a great experience. Thank you for stopping by and thank you even more for your smile inducing ramblings. This post has been enterd in the Relax & Surf Sunday over at The Life of Rylie and Bryce Too and The Farm House Blog Hop.
Relax & Surf Sunday


  1. I'm glad I found you! I'm new to gardening but have created a Gardening 101 series to follow my journey to gardening! I also showcase fellow gardeners and their gardens... would love to showcase yours :)

    New follower from Relax & Surf Sunday! Hope you can stop by and return the follow :)


  2. Thanks for the response! I'd love to feature your tutorial on planting the tomato/pepper seeds... How about you email me wacki04 (at) gmail (dot) com?

  3. We love growing tomatoes. We've grown jalepenos too because I love making salsa and using fresh ingredients. We aren't ready to plant anything yet. It is not spring here. Any advice on keeping those horned caterpillars off the tomatoes? I hate them!!

    I am stopping by from the relax and surf sunday blog hop. Have a great day!

    Heather From and Mommy Only Has Two Hands!
